Wednesday, March 30

Sunday comforts

Last Sunday as I was sitting in bed using my laptop (starting my blog actually) a little smile crept onto my face. As I stared out the window at the rain on the leaves I could hear my dad playing guitar downstairs. Now if you're anything like me it's the little things in life that comfort you and make you happy...for me it's listening to my dad play guitar (especially when I'm all snug in bed and it's raining outside!) I know it may sound silly but it just made me so happy :) Knowing I'd finished work for the week and could just relax and enjoy the things around me. Here are a few photos I took once I ventured out of bed.

Tuesday, March 29

I forgot to mention...

One little detail I've failed to mention is that there is another reason for me starting a blog...India.
In August I'm venturing overseas to the spiritual land of curries, saris, Bollywood and chai. I'll be gone for four months and I thought what better way to let everyone at home see what I'm up to!

Monday, March 28

My Top 5

To get my blog going i thought i'd do a post showing my top five favourite photos i've taken. It was really difficult trying to narrow it down to five but i think i've chosen well. 
5) This photo perfectly captures my love of sugar. I bought these in a 
small alleyway down in Melbourne and they were delicious! 

4) I'm instantly relaxed when i see this picture. It was taken up north at Nobby's Beach. A friend and i decided to wake up at 5:30 and wait for the sunrise. Just sitting there staring out at the beautiful view breathing in the crisp morning air was perfect.

3) This was taken at my relatives farm out at Cowra. I've been going there since i was about four and it's a very special place to me with so many great memories. The three guys in the background are my boyfriend Will, my cousin Matt and my friend Rob.

2) This photo captures my favourite time of year...summer. This is down on the South Coast at Hyams Beach - which i like to think of as my second home.

1) Melbourne. What isn't to love? The fabulous shopping, the cute little alleyways and the beautiful old buildings. This is my favourite photo, taken one night after dinner at a sneaky little underground restuarant with my family

Sunday, March 27

A picture speaks a thousand words

Who originally said “a picture speaks a thousand words”? Whoever they were, they nailed it. I have been brought up in a family, where I’m constantly surrounded by photos – thanks to my mum, and I have inherited this love from her. I’m constantly taking photos wherever I go. They have the power to make us really look at something and appreciate it, to tell stories and remind us of happy times and to surround us by the things and the people we love. My life would be empty without photos. I’m always snapping pics of the people around me and my room is filled with the memories brought to life by them.
It is my love of photos and everything that comes with them, that has inspired me to start a blog, to tell my stories and write about the things I love. Because there is no better way than to say something than through a photo.
An old photo of myself with my younger twin brother and sister. This photo is blown up and framed in our house. I love it because it reminds me of my childhood and memories with the twins.

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